Friday, June 3, 2011

Update, Juicing/Juicer Review, New Camera!

Hello hello everyone...Once again, it has been forever and a year since I've posted!!! :P But I have an explanation this time!

So I took a mini-hiatus because I was waiting for...

THIS! (photo taken with ipod touch 4)
Meet my new baby, Grendel (the second)!!! He is a Nikon D5100...And I love him!
He is Grendel the second because Grendel the first, his predecessor, was mine for about 2 weeks...It was the Nikon D5000, and while he was simply amazing, I just had the worst buyers remorse of my life, and couldn't justify having the camera in my current stage of life.

But different. lolol Different because he was a present this time! It is my birthday/graduation/Christmas present for the next 5 years from my mom and stepfather. And while I'm not going to be receiving anything from thing as far as presents go for the next five years, I am totally okay with that!!!
Plus, I've got loads of projects this year (I'm taking my own graduation portraits, and my oldest brother has a baby on the way, to name a few).

But anyway, I'll stop rambling. Onto the post!

My mom gave me this Jack Lalane Power Juicer almost a year ago because she had put the attachments on wrong and rendered the machine unusable. So she said I could have it if I could fix it! So even though I didn't have a plan, that juicer was now mine!

So anyway, the reason I decided to pull it out and put it to use was because Perci (the boyfriend) and I have been super obsessed with getting fruit/veggie juice at our local Whole Foods Market...but it can get very expensive (around $4 for a small cup?!?!)...
So on our last visit to the grocery store, we decided to try out the juicer that we've been neglecting for months!

We made some juice earlier in the day, and LOVED it.  So this time, I decided to document the process. :P

My mom didn't give me the attachment that catches and contains all of the pulp, (and the first time we tried using the juicer, the pulp was messy), so this time, we got creative...

Well, not that creative. We just tied a plastic bag around the pulp spout...nothing fancy really. lol

Here are our juice ingredients:
  • 3 Bananas
  • 2 large kale leaves
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 apple
  • 1 beet
  • 1 carrot
  • a handful of blueberries

We just used a measuring cup with a spout to catch all of the liquid, so that we could divide the juice evenly amongst the two of us. If you're making juice for yourself, you could just use a cup.

All of the fruits and veggies cut up

Lots of blueberries

Banana juice

Then apple and lemon


Carrot juice

Beet juice

The blueberries went in last!

Our bag trick worked! No need to spend $20+ on an attachment when we can just use a bag. :P

To clean the juicer:

First, remove the spout part. Then you're left with this:

 Take a screwdriver and remove the three screws holding the blade:

Look how colorful the juice is!
 Remove the screws and the blade.
 Then, remove the orange peice holding the other metal attachment...Don't know the name for all these parts <__<

Spout attachment
 Dump as much juice as possible into the cup before cleaning everything up.
 Then you're left with this gross looking mess...Its much more vibrant in person!
Yielded around 4 cups of juice

Looks like paint!
 We stuck the cup into the freezer while we cleaned up. I will admit, cleaning the juicer can be a bother, especially since you have to unscrew the blade and take the whole thing apart. But with that said, it really isn't a tough job. Supposedly, the parts are dishwasher safe, but I'd suggest hand washing everything just so that you can guarantee that you got all of the pulp out of the whole juicer, as well as removing any stains (beet juice stains are unforgiving!!!) before they set in.
 And here we are, left with 2 full cups of juice!
I look so high in this picture...but pay no mind! And I'm not wearing makeup, either. And my hair is a mess. But pay no mind!!!! lolol
The verdict:
 YUM! It was awesome! I was really iffy about the lemon, but I can't even taste it!

I will definitely be drinking a LOT more juice from here on out (Perci wants to go on an all-juice diet/detox), and I do recommend this juicer for anyone who loves fresh juice, but hates spending too much money on having it made.

Also, like I said, cleanup can be cumbersome, but it goes by much faster with help :)

I give the Jack Lalane Juicer 

I feel like this was such a random post. But I like it. :) I will try to upload much more often, and have a few makeup videos on the way! Stay tuned!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved ur blogs and wat information that u issued is really very usefull for us .. thanks